Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It has been a while.....

Well it has been like forever since I have updated this.....We have had a lot going on. So I will just give a few updates. I finished my lupron shots. Although they seemed to help for a while, the pain is getting worse again. I guess it is just something I am going to have to learn to live with. We are still trying to have a baby, and now are seeing an infertility specialist. We really hope to have a new addition soon. But that is something else we are learning to not push, it is something we have to wait for and it will happen. It is definitely testing our patience. Blake, our nephew, is growing up sooo fast. He will be 2 in Feb. Boy does time fly. He fills us with constant laughs and love. He loves to dance and race his hot wheels cars. We took him to the zoo lights last weekend and he LOVED it. The Santa there was GREAT. I guess that is about all for now. I am going to try to keep updating our blog weekly. See y'all soon!!!!

1 comment:

April said...

YEAH!!!!!!! I am so happy see an update. If you want I bet my mom would make you a beauty blog :) Get a great pic this weekend and send it to me.

Sorry you are still in pain. I know you are ready to feel better.